Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Prepare Yourself For the Newborn Dwarf Hamsters

Dwarf hamsters breeding is not as difficult as it may seem. What is important is that you know what to expect when this happens. Here are some interesting facts about dwarf hamster. Care for dwarf hamsters especially their babies is important. Did you know that these hamsters have roughly 18 to 2 days of gestation period? Likewise, expect a litter of around 5 pups. But you can expect as much as ten or as little as just one. Keep this in mind when you plan to breed these cute and cuddly pets.

As much as you want to take care of these new pups, it is best to give this task to their mother in the first 10 days (at least). During this time, care for dwarf hamsters is quite sensitive. Make sure that you do not change the cage nor touch the little ones.

Dwarf hamsters breeding entail understanding the development of baby hamsters. During the first four days from birth they will start having pigments and coloration on their body. On the seventh day, your baby dwarf hamsters will begin to have fur on their bodies. So don't freak out if you find the little with hairless little creatures - it's normal at this stage. Within a week or so, the babies will be ready for their solid food. As part of a healthy diet, you can provide your new pets with oats, oatmeal or wheat germ. Small bird seeds will also do the trick in providing their first solid food. After this, you may opt to give them lab blocks as their staple food. Healthy nutrition for your newborn pups must be given full attention. So make sure you give them slices of apples, cucumber and even small grains so they will grow faster. Providing ample water is also important. As early as 10 days, they will begin to drink water other than nursing from the mother. Furthermore, you will notice that as soon as the babies can feed themselves, the mother will slowly lessen her nursing the babies.

More often than not, the mother hamsters are not enthusiastic in sharing the responsibility of caring for their young. So stop yourself from the urge to handle these new babies to avoid possible injuries to the hamster as well as to you. You can give the new babies their own cages after 4 weeks. As an additional reminder, make sure you separate the male hamsters from the female hamsters to control their population.

These interesting facts about dwarf and cute hamsters will help you manage them better and ensure their health.

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